What's the best way to remove excess wax at home?
So, what's the best way to clean your ears safely? Rather than using Q-tips, healthcare professionals recommend a more gentle approach. Softening the earwax with a few drops of mineral oil or over-the-counter ear drops can help facilitate its removal. Or, gently irrigating the ear canal with warm water using a bulb syringe can help flush out excess earwax.
If you experience ear discomfort, or hearing loss, or suspect an earwax blockage, it’s important to get medical attention promptly. A healthcare professional, such as an audiologist or an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist, can safely remove impacted earwax and address any underlying issues.
While the allure of using cotton buds for ear cleaning may be strong, it's essential to weigh the potential risks against the perceived benefits. Ultimately, the ear's natural self-cleaning mechanism is sufficient for maintaining ear hygiene in most cases. By adopting safer alternatives and getting professional help when needed, you can ensure the health and well-being of your ears for years to come. Remember, when it comes to ear care, gentleness is always the way to go.