We have collected some of the most effective methods to help you gently drain water from your ears. You can use the below techniques and remove trapped moisture in a few seconds or a few minutes.
The most straightforward technique to try is to tilt your head to the side and allow water to drip out. While this method may not work every time, it is definitely worth giving it a shot as it is quick and simple.
If the first method fails, gently jiggle your earlobe while tilting your head down towards your shoulder and shaking the water out. Shake your head side-to-side to move the fluid around and help find its way out.
This method requires you to lie down on your side and stay still for a few minutes. With the help of gravity, you will hopefully notice the water slowly trickling out of your ear.
The idea behind this method is to create a vacuum to draw water out by tilting your head sideways and placing your cupped palm tightly on your ear. Push on your ear and pull away rapidly, flattening it as you push and cupping it as you pull. Keep your head in a tilted position to allow water to drain out.
If the above methods fail, you can try using a hairdryer to help dissipate water from your ear canal. Be sure to use the blow dryer on its lowest setting only to avoid any possible injury. Hold the hairdryer about 12 inches away from your ear and move it back and forth. Tug your earlobe gently and allow the heat to dry the water in your ear canal.
- Use an alcohol-based eardrop
Eardrops can be particularly helpful if none of the above methods seem to do the job. Alcohol-based eardrops can help evaporate accumulated water from your ear canal. Alcohol is also effective at curbing the growth of bacteria and thereby preventing infections from forming. You can purchase alcohol-based eardrops at the pharmacy.
If you purchase the eardrop, be sure to follow the instructions on the packaging. If you make your own, apply only a couple of drops directly into your ear canal, leave the solution in there for 30-60 seconds before allowing the liquid to drip out. Be careful not to use this technique if you have an ear infection, eardrum tubes, or a perforated eardrum.
- Use a hydrogen peroxide eardrop
Some people find success with hydrogen peroxide eardrops as these solutions are very effective at clearing earwax from the ears that may be responsible for trapping water inside. Once again, buying over-the-counter eardrops at the pharmacy or online is your best bet. Please use the same precautions as mentioned above with alcohol-based eardrops and avoid using this technique if you have an ear infection, a perforated eardrum, or eardrum tubes.
Using warm olive oil can also help prevent ear infection and get water out of the ear. If you plan on using this method, prepare to spend about 10-15 minutes on this. Place a few drops of the oil directly into your ear, and lie down on your side for at least 10 minutes. Set a timer. Once your time is up, sit up, tilt your head and allow the liquid to drip out.