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What Causes Fluid in the Ear?

Ever felt like your ears are underwater? Or maybe you've noticed muffled hearing or even experienced mild pain? You're not alone. That mysterious fluid in your ear could be the reason. Most times, it's the aftermath of an ear infection, often tagging along with the common cold or sinus trouble. It’s more common in children, because of their smaller auditory tubes. However, it can still occur in adults, particularly in those with risk factors such as allergies, sinus infections, or structural abnormalities in the Eustachian tubes.

Understanding what causes this fluid accumulation is crucial for effective management and treatment. In this article, we'll delve into the various factors contributing to fluid in the ear.

Updated: 7th May 2024

Causes of fluid in the ear

When we catch a cold or a sinus infection, our nose's mucus secretion increases, as a way to kick out the intruders. Similarly, when an ear infection happens, the middle ear does its version of a clean-up, producing a fluid to flush out the troublemakers. Usually, this fluid heads out through the eustachian tube into the nose as the infection clears. But, if the eustachian tube decides to be a bit lazy or swollen, the fluid can hang out in the middle ear, causing that bothersome feeling.

Middle ear infection (otitis media)

Doctors call this fluid in the middle ear ’otitis media’. If you've experienced a middle ear infection before, you've probably felt the intense ear pain and maybe even seen some pus-filled fluid. Usually, this infection is short-lived, causing symptoms like fever, earache, mild hearing loss, and a lack of energy. In tougher cases, you might even get a ruptured eardrum, where pus takes a surprise exit.

There are other factors that cause fluid in the ear too, including:

Bacterial or viral infections: one of the primary culprits behind otitis media is infections. When bacteria or viruses invade the middle ear, they can cause inflammation and fluid accumulation. Common pathogens responsible for ear infections include Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

Allergies: allergic reactions can trigger inflammation in the Eustachian tube and middle ear, hindering proper drainage. Individuals with allergies may experience recurrent episodes of otitis media due to increased mucus production and congestion in the nasal passages.

Anatomical factors: certain anatomical abnormalities can predispose individuals to fluid buildup in the ear. For example, structural issues in the Eustachian tube or a cleft palate may hinder normal drainage, increasing the risk of otitis media.

Environmental factors: exposure to environmental irritants like  tobacco smoke, air pollution, or allergens can exacerbate inflammation in the upper respiratory tract and Eustachian tube. And this contributes to fluid building up in the middle ear.

Changes in air pressure: rapid changes in air pressure, such as those experienced during flying or scuba diving, can disrupt Eustachian tube function, leading to temporary fluid buildup and discomfort in the ears.

How do doctors diagnose fluid in the ear?

Spotting ear fluid isn't easy. Doctors usually look inside with a tool called an otoscope, but seeing fluid behind the eardrum is like finding a needle in a haystack. There's another test, tympanometry, that also helps catch ear fluid red-handed.

Are antibiotics necessary to treat middle ear infections?

If bacteria is playing a part, antibiotics might be in the prescription. But it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Antibiotics aren't always the go-to, only if things get serious. So, if your symptoms are mild or clear up fast, antibiotics may not be required.

Can ear fluid drain out on its own?

The longer fluid sticks around, the gooier it becomes. Thin fluid might just give you a milder degree of  hearing loss, but thick fluid turns into what experts call "glue ear." Natural ear drainage becomes virtually impossible in this situation as the fluid thickens.

What happens if fluid gets trapped in my ear canal?

To help remedy the fluid in the ear, your physician will likely recommend various over-the-counter or prescription anti-inflammatory drugs. However, if these medications fail to resolve the problem, surgical fluid drainage may be necessary.

Why can't ear fluid be left alone?

Imagine the three hearing bones inside your ear. When fluid builds up, those bones can't work like they should, leading to hearing loss. For children, ear fluid over many months can mess with speech, balance, and even behaviour. Plus, the hearing bones might take a permanent hit.

Fluid in the ear can be a bothersome and sometimes painful condition. Understanding the various factors that contribute to fluid buildup is essential for proper management and treatment. Whether it's addressing infections, allergies, or Eustachian tube dysfunction, early intervention can help prevent complications and improve comfort. If you or your child experience persistent ear symptoms, consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and personalised treatment plan.

emma jarvis

Written By:
Emma Jarvis

Digital Optimisation Lead

Hannah Author Image

Medically Reviewed By:
Hannah Samuels

Audiology Expert