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What happens in a hearing test?
Understand what happens at your free hearing test with Boots Hearingcare
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Save up to £399 on the latest hearing technology throughout January, February and March*

*Ts and Cs apply

Free Hearing Test

& ear health check

Expert Audiologists

over 20 years experience

90-Day Money Back Guarantee

for all hearing aids

Test and instant fit

walk out with better hearing

Lifetime of Free aftercare

included with every hearing aid

Interest free credit

available on selected hearing aids

Bring along a friendly face

It helps your Audiologist to build a complete picture of your hearing health if you can bring someone along with you. They’ll be able to add additional information to let us know how you hear on a day-to-day basis. If it’s not possible to attend with someone, it’s even more important that someone close to you completes their part of the questionnaire ahead of your attendance. 

We take care of your health seriously

We continue to take extra precautions to keep you and our colleagues safe. Our experts have been provided with the right PPE to help keep you safe and hygiene stations have been provided for you to use throughout the store. As our rooms are classified as a healthcare setting we ask that you attend your appointment with a face covering and wear it throughout. If you are exempt, we ask that you wear a visor instead.

Try our online hearing test

Before you come for our free hearing test, we encourage you to explore our online hearing test if you have any worries about your hearing. All you require is a set of headphones and a quiet, environment. It takes just a few minutes, the test will determine how well you hear three different tones, helping us identify any potential hearing difficulties, such as hearing loss.

"I found this service second to none, my appointment was on time, the advice I was given was very informative. My hearing test was carried out professionally and I am very satisfied with the service" - James, Basingstoke

Everything you need to know about hearing tests

Should I have a hearing test?

Because hearing loss is so gradual, it’s not always easy to notice if you do not hear as well as you used to. Here are some signs you can look out for:

  • The TV is too loud for other members of your family
  • You find it difficult to keep up with conversations when there’s background noise
  • Chatting on the phone is tricky, even when the room is quiet
  • You feel like people are mumbling a lot, and you have to ask them to repeat what they’ve said
  • Often it’s your loved ones who notice a hearing loss before you do – so they might hint when they notice you are finding it difficult to hear
If you notice a sudden hearing loss or a loss that impacts one side significantly more or fluctuates. We recommend seeking medical advice before a hearing assessment.

Hearing loss affects one in six people in the UK. If you’re over 50, we recommend having a hearing check every two years to keep an eye on your hearing.

At Boots Hearingcare, they’re completely free and take 15 minutes – Book your appointment now.

What happens during a hearing test?

A free 15-minute hearing check at Boots Hearingcare is a quick and easy way to find out how well you’re hearing. In your appointment, a Boots Hearingcare expert will;

  • Check the health of your ears
  • Carry out some simple tests to see how well you’re hearing
  • Give you advice about how you can hear better.

How long does a hearing test take?

The 15-minute hearing test is ideal if you've noticed a change in your hearing or you have mild concerns about your hearing. The appointment includes a general check of the health of your ears and a hearing screen. We’ll ask you to respond to a series of sounds played through headphones. The results of your hearing health check will indicate if there are any issues with your hearing that should be explored further in a full hearing test.

How often should I have a hearing test?

It’s important to monitor your hearing, including the health of your ears. To make sure that everything is working as it should. If you’re over 50, we’d recommend you get your hearing checked at least every two years. We can check if your hearing has changed since your last appointment.

Where should I go for a hearing test?

We have selected locations across the UK. Find your nearest Boots Hearingcare store.

How much does a hearing test cost?

At Boots Hearingcare, all our hearing tests and appointments are completely free. Why not encourage a friend to come for a hearing test too?

How old do you have to be for a hearing test?

We only offer hearing tests for adults over the age of 18.

What if I need hearing aids?

Once your hearing test indicates that you could benefit from a hearing aid, the audiologist will discuss the results with you. They'll explain the type and extent of your hearing loss and recommend suitable hearing aids based on your lifestyle, preferences, and budget. Once you’ve selected your preferred hearing aid, the audiologist will custom-fit it to your ear and fine-tune the device based on your specific needs. This ensures optimal performance and comfort.

As with any new change, there's often an adjustment period as you get used to your hearing aids. It might take a little while to get used to the sounds around you. Remember, if you need any further adjustments or guidance, please come and speak to us as we’re to help you!

Helping a loved one with hearing loss

Because hearing loss is typically gradual, a person with a hearing loss might not even notice it. But it can be frustrating if a loved one seems to be struggling to hear – maybe they have the TV on very loudly, ask you to repeat yourself a lot, or have trouble talking to you on the phone. They might even become a little withdrawn and spend less time in social situations because they’re struggling to hear. If you think someone you know has a hearing loss, here are some things you can do for them:

  • Chat in quiet places where there’s less background noise
  • Make sure they can see your face when you talk – lots of people use basic lip-reading without realising
  • Encourage them to book a free hearing check.
  • If they need a hearing aid, make sure you’re patient as they get used to hearing better again
You can read this section to find out about how someone with a new hearing aid gets used to using it.

*Offer ends 31st March 2025. £399 off a pair of Phonak Infinio Sphere hearing aids only. 10% off other Phonak Infinio models. Offer excludes custom hearing aids. Money off value halved on single purchases. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Subject to product availability and suitability. Ts and Cs apply.