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Hearing Loss

Loss of hearing can be very concerning. To help keep you hearing better for longer we've created some helpful advice on the main causes of hearing loss and the potential signs to look out for. If you've noticed a change in your hearing it's important to book a free hearing health check with one of our trained professionals, who will be happy to help.


What causes loss of hearing?

Various factors can contribute to changes in auditory ability. Identifying the triggers is crucial for effective management or treatment. These may include:

Common causes of hearing loss include:

Age: the likelihood of experiencing auditory changes increases with age, particularly after 60.

Noise exposure: regular exposure to loud sounds, like concerts without ear protection, can impact hearing.

Ear infections: Iifections in the ear can lead to temporary or permanent hearing issues.

Perforated eardrum: a burst eardrum can result in hearing complications.

Ménière’s disease: this inner ear disorder may affect hearing and balance.

Family history: Genetic factors can contribute to hearing challenges.

It's important to consult your doctor on any of the above. This will help guide any hearing loss treatment and create a management plan for you to follow. 

What are the first signs to look our for?

As hearing changes often occur gradually, it's common for individuals to live with symptoms unknowingly. Therefore, staying vigilant to the prevalent signs can prevent unnecessary challenges for both you and your close ones.

Things to look out for include:

Difficulty clear hearing: struggling to hear others distinctly.

Phone hearing challenges: difficulty hearing during phone conversations.

Speech misunderstanding: trouble understanding speech, especially in noisy environments.

Frequent repetition: asking others to repeat themselves.

Volume adjustment: increasing TV volume significantly.

Social withdrawal: pulling back from conversations.

Reluctance to socialise: hesitancy in social engagements.

What happens when you do have hearing loss?

Discovering changes in your ability to hear can trigger a range of emotions, from initial shock to anxiety, frustration, and even a sense of loss. The emotional toll is not solely about the physical challenge of hearing; it extends to the social consequences. Individuals experiencing hearing changes may withdraw from social interactions, not only due to difficulty hearing but also grappling with the profound absence of a vital aspect of their life. Recognising and addressing these emotional aspects is a crucial step in the journey toward auditory well-being.

Can it be prevented?

As we age, auditory changes can occur, but proactive steps can help mitigate the impact. Consider these preventive measures:

  • Limit exposure to loud noises
  • Keep headphone volume at a moderate level
  • Use earplugs or protective earmuffs in noisy environments
  • Opt for quieter products and settings
  • Regularly undergo hearing tests

While the direct impact on your hearing may not be immediately apparent, adopting these precautions can contribute to maintaining auditory well-being and minimising potential risks associated with harmful listening habits.

What are the types of hearing loss?

Although hearing loss affects people in different ways, there are three main types to be aware of, with varying symptons. These include:

Conductive hearing loss: occurs when sound passage is hindered in the ear canal or middle ear, often due to obstruction or trauma. It may affect one or both ears.

Sensorineural hearing loss: representing approximately 90% of reported cases, this common form results from nerve damage.

Mixed hearing loss: a combination of conductive and sensorineural loss, indicating damage to both the outer and inner ear.

If you suspect any of the above, book yourself a free hearing health check.

Frequently asked questions

Can hearing loss affect memory?

Hearing plays a major role in keeping your memory and brain sharp. Untreated hearing loss has been linked to impaired memory, balance issues and even dementia. This is why it’s important to make sure your hearing health is as well looked after as possible.

Can hearing loss be cured?

Hearing loss can be treated but not restored. Most of the time, a hearing aid will be the best solution.

Can hearing loss be genetic?

Those with a family history of hearing loss are more likely to experience it themselves. It’s important your doctor knows about any family history of hearing loss. You will most likely be referred on for additional testing and monitoring.

Can hearing loss cause headaches?

Headaches are a secondary symptom of hearing loss. Although hearing loss with headaches may also signal that you have an underlying ear condition. Book an appointment with your doctor to check there’s no problem.

Can hearing loss cause depression?

If left untreated, you can develop depression as a result of hearing loss. This is because adjusting to everyday life without one of the five senses often proves difficult, particularly if you are a sociable person. Speak to your GP about possible treatments for hearing loss.

Any kind of hearing loss is scary, but you don’t have to suffer alone. If you have a problem with hearing loss, get help from your doctor or a qualified audiologist.

Do you have any issues related to hearing loss? Arrange a consultation with a specialist at Boots Hearingcare to go through your case...